Rose Bouquet Dip Powder Set


What it is:

Give thanks this Mother's Day with our Rose Bouquet. The Rose Bouquet is filled with recognition, appreciation and joy. This trio will overwhelm you with joy! Set includes 3 limited edition 0.5 oz jars and while supplies last.

What's included:

Rose 1: Courage is a clear base with matte pink and iridescent glitter.

Rose 2: Gratitude is a pink base with shimmers.

Rose 3: Admiration is a clear base with various sizes of matte pale yellow, matte pink and rose iridescent glitter.

What it is:

Give thanks this Mother's Day with our Rose Bouquet. The Rose Bouquet is filled with recognition, appreciation and joy. This trio will overwhelm you with joy! Set includes 3 limited edition 0.5 oz jars and while supplies last.

What's included:

Rose 1: Courage is a clear base with matte pink and iridescent glitter.

Rose 2: Gratitude is a pink base with shimmers.

Rose 3: Admiration is a clear base with various sizes of matte pale yellow, matte pink and rose iridescent glitter.

What it is:

Give thanks this Mother's Day with our Rose Bouquet. The Rose Bouquet is filled with recognition, appreciation and joy. This trio will overwhelm you with joy! Set includes 3 limited edition 0.5 oz jars and while supplies last.

What's included:

Rose 1: Courage is a clear base with matte pink and iridescent glitter.

Rose 2: Gratitude is a pink base with shimmers.

Rose 3: Admiration is a clear base with various sizes of matte pale yellow, matte pink and rose iridescent glitter.

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